Sunday, September 16, 2012

Market at the square

As my daughter, her friend and I headed down the mountain to Trenton, my trunk was full. We were going to the square for the farmers market. This was my first time selling jelly. I have sold stuff at craft fairs before, but never food, and never in the south. When we got there, about 45 minutes early, there were inmates setting up shade tents. Yup they put the low flight risk inmates to work down here. Several other vendors where already setting up their goods. I took my folding table out of my trunk, and started setting my creations on the table. Mint jelly, rosemary jelly, hot pepper jelly, watermelon jelly, and low sugar watermelon jelly were all placed on the bright yellow table cloth I had just purchased for this event. I put some crackers on the table too, so people could sample my product. I also placed some jalapeƱos and sweet pickled jalapenos next to the jelly. Within the first five minutes I sold two jars of hot pepper jelly. People loved it. A few people said it wasn't hot. Maybe I'll make some with just jalapeƱos next time. The watermelon jellies sold too. The two kinds of jelly that sold are the ones that I opened for people to sample. Next time I'll open a jar of each. People like to know what they are buying.
I chatted with some very lovely people in between sales. Yeah, I know, its the south everyone is nice.. Two of the other venders are also from the mountain. The candle couple who I spoke to for awhile live around the corner from me. Being this was my first time selling at the local farmers market I didn't have to pay the minimal fee. I made about $14.00 profit. That is $14.00 more then I would have made staying home, and I had fun. Having fun and making money works for me. I have watermelon and peppers I need to use up.. I also have sugar, I bought extra because it was on sale. I have plenty of jars. It looks like I'll be grabbing some pectin, and cookin' up more jelly soon. I will be at the square in Trenton on Saturday morning, maybe I'll see you there.

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