Saturday, October 20, 2012

Crock pot meatloaf, yum

     My meatloaf is never the same. Heck nothing I cook ever tastes the some way twice, WHY?  Because I can't seam to follow directions, that's why.       When I make meatloaf I usually just open the refrigerator and start throwing stuff in a bowl. I'll then open the cabinet and raid the spice rack. Monday morning I had about 4 pounds of burger I needed to use up. Everything is cheaper when ya buy it in bulk.        I started with the burger meat then added; One small cut up green pepper One small sliced banana pepper One cut up plum tomato  About 1/8 cup dales I used about a cup of oatmeal, i didn't have enough bread crumbs & didn't feel like breaking up the bread Two tablespoons flax seed (it's good for ya) One packet onion soup mix One crushed clove of garlic Just a tad bit of some other spices  One container ricotta cheese ( it was on sale and i had to use it up) I mixed it all up with my clean hands. I feel using my hands is the only way to get it mixed together really good.       Then I put it in my crock pot, yes my crock pot. I set it on low for about five hours. I've been cooking my meatloaf in a crock pot for awhile now. I'm not sure why I started doing it, maybe because it was too hot to turn on the oven.  I like it better in the crock pot, I think my family does too.       I use to lay my meatloaf flat, put mozzarella cheese, onion and pepper in it. I would then roll it up, so it had a nice little surprise in the middle.       I'm always looking for new recipes to try. How do you make meatloaf?